BRAF-targeted therapy for colon and lung cancer: Assistance in selecting the targeted therapy, acting on specific genes or proteins to prevent the cancer from growing and spreading. These specific genes or proteins are found in cancerous cells or in cells related to the growth of the cancer, such as blood vessel cells.
It is used in colon and lung cancer to determine the suitability of treatment with Dabrafenib (Tafinlar) and Trametinib (Mekinist); two kinase inhibitors.
Microsatellite instability for colon cancer: Microsatellite instability is a change that occurs in the DNA of certain cells, such as tumour cells, because the number of microsatellite repeat sequences (short, repetitive sequences) does not match the number of repeat sequences in the DNA when it was inherited.
It is a targeted therapy (therapy that targets specific genes or proteins to help prevent the cancer from growing and spreading) used for sporadic colon cancer, it has two uses:
To evaluate treatment with 5-FU, which prevents cells from producing DNA and could destroy cancerous cells.
To evaluate treatment with nivolumab or pembrolizumab (keytruda); treatment that helps the immune system to fight cancer (immunotherapy).
Somatic BRCA for ovarian cancer: Somatic BRCA is a test carried out on ovarian tumour tissue that was developed to identify somatic cell mutations.
Determining that a patient has ovarian cancer with BRCA mutation determines the suitability of Olaparid treatment and the chances of improving survival.
Olaparid blocks an enzyme that contributes to many cell functions, including repairing damaged DNA.
Blocking this enzyme may prevent cancer cells from repairing their damaged DNA and destroying them.
Pelvic floor rehabilitation: Pelvic floor rehabilitation is a major concern for women who have just given birth. The pelvic floor is one of the muscle groups most affected by pregnancy and delivery due to the pressure the uterus puts on them and to the injuries caused during delivery.
It is important to take care of the pelvic floor during every stage of pregnancy and after delivery. It is also important during perimenopause and menopause in order to prevent urinary incontinence. We have added the Pelvic Floor Care Programme, which you can access by making an appointment on 91 7522904 with a specialised physiotherapist or in addition, if you are a blua customer, by making a video consultation appointment with the Pelvic Floor Care Programme speciality.
Endobronchial ultrasound (EBUS): The endobronchial ultrasound is a diagnostic test that allows the doctor to see beyond the limits of the bronchial wall and guides the collection of samples for diagnosing tumours and ganglia in the mediastinum or lungs.
Atrial/ Brain natriuretic peptide (Pro-BNP): Natriuretic peptides are biochemical markers used for the diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of patients with suspected or confirmed heart failure.
Cardiac Perfusion Imaging: Cardiac perfusion imaging is a non-invasive diagnostic test that does not use radiation and permits global assessment of the heart.
Aortic endoprosthesis in case of emergency: An aortic aneurysm is a serious condition due to the dramatic consequences of it rupturing.
Calprotectin: This is a good biochemical marker of intestinal inflammation that is measured in the stool.
PET MRI in oncology: A major benefit of PET/MRI over PET/CT is the lower level of radiation to which the patient is exposed (it eliminates between 70 and 80 per cent of radiation), which makes it particularly suitable for paediatric or teenage cancer patients who require one of several studies
Extended usage criteria for Fibroscan: A liver elastography is a non-invasive diagnostic test that is used to assess the degree of hepatic fibrosis.
Usage criteria for multi-parametric MRI of the prostate: We are extending the usage criteria of multi-parametric magnetic resonance imaging of the prostate so that a previous negative biopsy is no longer required in patients with high clinical suspicion of prostate cancer.
Oesophageal, stomach, colonic endoprosthesis: Enteral endoprostheses (oesophageal, duodenal, colonic) are considered the treatment of choice for patients in which stenosis (or narrowing) of the digestive tract cannot be addressed with surgery.
Fusion-guided prostate biopsy: The MRI/ultrasound fusion imaging biopsy enables a guided biopsy of the prostate.
Mammogram with tomosynthesis: Innovative 3D technique that has revolutionised early diagnosis of breast cancer due to its greater accuracy.
Genomic platforms: Test that estimates the risk of certain types of breast cancer reoccurring and the benefits of chemotherapy after surgery in these cases.
Adjuvant medication: Medication without anti-tumour effect, administered along with cytostatic medications during the chemotherapy session in order to prevent its adverse or side effects.
PET/CT (18FDG): The PET/CT (18FDG) is one of the most powerful oncology diagnostic tools and we have extended the cover beyond the indications of the Spanish Agency of Medicines and Medical Devices for 18FDG to cover all oncological processes, following medical assessment by the Sanitas Seguros medical team.
Valve ducts: We have incorporated valve ducts, associated to the valve prosthesis in some heart surgery procedures.
Endoscopic biliary stenting: We have added endoscopic biliary stenting, used for cases of biliary obstruction.
Protein targeting: PDL-1/ROS 1: Protein targeting which allows the ideal treatment to be determined in metastatic lung cancer treatments.
MR Enterography: Magnetic resonance imaging with contrast material that generates high resolution images of the intestines, without the issue of radiation.
Endo-ureteral laser lithotripsy: Lithotripysy that fragments stones in the bladder or ureter and helps eliminate them in a way that is harmless to the patient, thereby reducing complications associated to lithiasis.